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Moonlight Paddle

Meeting Point - Eagle Bay

Saturday, August 17th at 9:00pm

Attention Moonlight Paddlers,
Due to expected heavy cloud cover Friday night (77%) and 10-15 mph winds, we are going to push our scheduled LRPOA Moonlight Paddle back one day. It will now be held this Saturday as the forecast is much better… Only 16% cloud cover and lighter winds which should make Saturday a lovely evening for our 9 PM lighted Moonlight Paddle. All the other specifics of when, where to meet, what you need, and paddle plans remain the same.

This year LRPOA will once again be hosting a moonlight paddle for kayakers and canoeists. Come be part of this beautiful spectacle and experience. Weather permitting, this event will be held Saturday Aug. 17th at 9 PM. Please plan to join us if the weather cooperates. 
We will meet on the water on the East side of the lake in the vicinity of Eagle Bay. Please be there no later than 9 PM for a very short meeting before heading out. Consider getting a tow to our starting spot so that you aren’t tuckered out before we even start. We will proceed from that East side of the lake in front of Eagle Bay and continue North along that shore and then once we get to where the lake splits we’ll cut over to the West shore. Then we’ll continue in a
counterclockwise direction along the West shore. We’ll proceed down past Mourning Dove Bay before cutting back over to the East side of the lake and finally turning North again to return to the Eagle Bay area having made a big loop on the main body of the lake. 
This will probably take a good 2 hours.


  • Participating paddlers must by law have lights on their boats. The DNR requires that each kayak or canoe MUST have an upright 360° torch light visible from all directions (such as you would find on any  boat after dark). These must be attached BEHIND the paddler so as to not blind your night vision.

  • Participants should also add navigation lights to their bows, red on the left port side, green on the right starboard side.

  • Participants are also asked to battery operated add fairy twinkle lights to the top or sides of their kayaks, to make our boats beautiful and so that we can be seen both to each other and to those watching from shore

  • Other safety gear that is required to be on board is a Coast Guard

  • approved life jacket and an emergency whistle.

  • We also recommend that you wear a headlamp that could be turned on  

  • Please do not attend with an unlit boat. It would be both dangerous and illegal.

This event is open to all LRPOA members and their families. Other than our pontoon escorts we ask that other motorboats please watch at a distance from the coves so as to keep our paddlers
safe and to not block their lights from people watching from shore.
The La Valle police are aware of this event and are going to try to have a patrol boat out and about also to keep us safe. We will also have pontoon escorts in case assistance is needed and to keep an eye on other boats.

We hope to have you join in on this Annual LRPOA Fairy Moonlight Paddle letting your little lights shine! If you have any questions, please call or text Jill Messmer at (608) 393-2402 before 8 PM the night of the event.


Below are helpful links to examples of products available from Amazon:


Torch Light


Red & Green Bow Navigation Lights


Fairy Lights


Emergency Whistle


Kayak Lights



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© 2024 by Lake Redstone Property Owners' Association 

Clubhouse:  E4191 Pierce Road - La Valle, WI 53941

Mailing:         P.O. Box 86 - La Valle, WI 53941

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